Ian Anderson’s
2017 Christmas Cathedral Shows

Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson will be bringing his Christmas cathedral shows back for 2017. Three shows at the cathedrals in Durham, Bradford and Peterborough have been announced, with tickets already sold out for the show in Bradford!
At the shows, the band will perform some of the more festive numbers, old and new, from the prodigious Jethro Tull back catalogue, combining Christmas tradition with a rather more unusual repertoire for a cathedral setting.
“Whether your Christmas is a secular affair of gift-giving and family togetherness or a more worshipful recognition of one of the two biggest days in the Christian calendar, join us for some uplifting Christmas spirit, music, readings and maybe even a prayer or two. The bringing together of people of all backgrounds, cultures and faiths in this way is possible, perhaps, only under the auspices of modern Christianity, especially the Anglican Church. So, if we can help to draw people in to these beautiful and historic buildings to savour just a little of the spirit of Christmas, it seems like a worthwhile effort” Ian Anderson
More details and links to buy tickets can be found below.
No shows booked at the moment.