Ian Anderson guests with Arianna De Lucrezia on “Wicked Windows”

3 August 2020

Ian Anderson guests with Arianna De Lucrezia on "Wicked Windows"

Ian recently guested on “Wicked Windows” (from the 1999 Jethro Tull album Dot Com) with Arianna De Lucrezia and Beggar’s Farm members. Watch below:

"Wicked Windows", written by Ian Anderson
originally released on Jethro Tull's “Dot Com”, 1999

Ian Anderson: vocals, flute
Arianna De Lucrezia (Floating Minds): bass guitar
Franco Taulino (Beggar's Farm): vocals, bassoon
Brian Belloni (A Lifelong Journey): guitar
Lorenzo Marcenaro (Loreweaver/Critical Failure/Teatro del Rimbombo): keyboards
Sergio Ponti: drums

Drums recorded at Chris Bangle Associates, Clavesana, Italy.

Drums, Franco's vocals, and basson engineered and recorded by Francesco Salvadeo.

Bass engineered and recorded by Cristiano De Lucrezia at BB Recording Studio, Rome, Italy.

Mixed and mastered by Francesco Salvadeo at The Cat's Cage Recording Studio.

Video edited by Mauro Mugiati

Thanks to Ian Anderson, Chris Bangle, Cristiano and Maria De Lucrezia, Mauro Mugiati and Francesco Salvadeo.

Arianna would like to thank Luca Pirozzi for allowing her to use his 5 string bass.